The Promise of
God's Rainbow
Redeeming a message from God to all of creation
“I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”
–GENESIS 9:13–16
Our Mission
Thank you for stopping by and visiting our pages. We hope that these pages will reflect our love of God and all that He has done for us. We are truly blessed by His promises. Did you know that one of the first promises God made to His people with a symbol was the rainbow? We didn’t know this until we searched scripture and there it was. We have a passion for Christ and this passion has driven us to explore the symbol of the rainbow, why God created it, and what it means for all His creation.
The rainbow serves as a sign of God’s covenant (promise) to never again send a universally destructive flood. What a beautiful way to deliver a message to all of us over these thousands of years. His love for His creation gave us this sign, the rainbow.
Our rainbow journey began on one of our RV trips where we visited the Ark Encounter. The entrance to the park was through a rainbow. As we stood under the rainbow, we both remarked about how our world is changing Godly symbols and making them ungodly. What has happened in our world that we would take what God meant for good and change it to something worldly? And so, we walked on into the exhibit. Once through the exhibit we stopped by the gift store and had a look around. There were many things with the rainbow on them. There was a beautiful rainbow umbrella that caught our eye. We decided that we probably shouldn’t buy it because of the changed symbol that the world has made it become. A symbol that it was never meant to be by God. Yes, the new symbol was changed a bit from the rainbow God created, but it was ever so close. After leaving and continuing our trip, we decided, “enough is enough, we need to declare the truth about what the symbol of the rainbow really means”. So, here we are on this journey.
We do not want to attack any group on this site. We just simply want to point to the truth about why the rainbow was created, what it stands for, and direct people to a loving God that has a plan for everyone’s life, including yours and mine. But truth is truth and if the truth of God offends anyone then we make no apologies. So please visit our blog page and let us know what you are thinking about this topic. We will do the best we can to respond with Godly answers. Godly answers from the God of the Bible. The God who wants a relationship with His creation – US.